Called to love and be loved:

Called to love and be loved:

What a joy to understand that God has called us to live love intensely, we were born as a fruit of love, we live by and for love, and we are going, as John Paul II expressed it, "to encounter a Unified love, and everything seems that we are preparing for that great day that has the weight of our desires".
It impresses and excites us by what we are feeling now, it is not yet fullness, that there is still more, that it is only a part of what is to come, that the best awaits us and the true work of art is still in process.
Personally, I am very happy and I think I am very in love, I believe that true and selfless love touches my heart. It makes me grow and develop, it leads me along different and exciting paths, it puts new shine on my dreams, it opens the source of inspiration to me, and my whole person integrates to make love come true.
The love that transforms, the love that touches, the love that has feet and walks, has eyes and looks, has a mouth and speaks; the love of my three divine princesses.
The meeting of a woman and a man is not purely biological. It is not simply physical pleasure, but it is a total encounter of the person, body, soul and spirit and extends to starting a new life.

At the end of 1998, To be exact in December. God touched my life in a profound way. I understood the mystery and purpose of love. My first Princess Diana was born at 0:54 minutes at the California Hospital located in the south of the city of Los Angeles. I had her in my arms, my tears rolled, I never saw God so close to me, I never felt him in my arms like that moment, father for the first time, fruit of love and the meeting of two souls.It is the extension of life.
In September 2001, my second princess Sofia was born, once again the creator made his light shine in my life, God, even without deserving it, gives us the opportunity to participate in his creation, he gives us the unique and beautiful experience of being a father. I know that I am not eternal on earth. If one day I leave, the extension of my life is already there. Just as I am the extension of the life of my grandparents and parents. Wow. Diana & Sofia.
In June 2008, God once again brought me someone special, Alyssa, whom I love with all my heart. Alysa was born when I was in Guatemala. There were complications and I returned as soon as I found out that there is a new princess in the family. Diana, Sofia and Alysa have been a blessing in my life. Every day, through them, God tells me that he loves me, that he is watching out for me
The moments that I have vibrated the most with emotion are those that I have shared with my princesses.

My daughters have changed my life forever, I was never the same again and it has been a privilege to be a dad. I'm not perfect, but every day I ask God to be better.
I feel proud that they are my daughters, they have taught me beautiful things, their way of being, their originality, their look, their silence, their details, their calls, their essence, they are divine and unique.
They have enriched my life. At 54 years old I can say with certainty that I am happy. I have loved and I have been loved. I won what I had to win, I lost what was never mine.
Now I believe in true love, I believe in its essence, I believe it has feet and walks, I believe it has eyes and looks, I believe that love is Diana, Sofia and Alyssa, I believe that they have their soul, their life and their heart, I believe that Love comes and hugs me and says “Hello Daddy, I love you.” God bless you daughters, you are the greatest gift I have received in my existence.
I hope to live many years to continue seeing your full realization.

The beauty of life is that our children look like us parents in every aspect. They have our height, our skin color, our look, and our entire physical complexion. (Physical DNA) They must also have our (Emotional DNA) which are habits, ideas, thoughts, character, personality, and tastes in many things.

Diana, Sofia and Alyssa I only ask you one thing: Never lose the charm, the spark, the magic, the dream, the desire to enjoy every moment of life, do not let fear stop you. Never allow manipulation, injustice and hatred in your life; those are like cancer that slowly kills a person who has them. And also that no one makes them feel guilty and responsible for something you did not do.
If you make a mistake, acknowledge it and ask for forgiveness and promise to work and overcome everything that does not make you grow. !IT IS human to fail and greatness lies in recognizing it and overcoming it.
You will deeply touch the lives of others, you will pass this idea on to those who come after you, to your children, to your grandchildren, that will be your legacy. REMEMBER THE WORDS OF JESUS: “DO NOT BE AFRAID”
I love you intensely.